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How do I Connect to the VPN - Condensed Instructions

NOTE: The instructions below assume you already have the Cisco AnyConnect Client installed. For full instructions please visit VPN Instuctions.


1) Launch Cisco AnyConnect. Click the Blue Windows icon in the middle-left of the taskbar. Start typing “Cisco Any”… the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client should appear in the “Best Match” section after a few characters.

2) Type “webvpn2.purdue.edu” in the connect field and hit Connect

3) For Username, use your career account username. For password, use “password,Push” (without the quotes) and then hit OK. You will approve the login using DuoMobile.

4) You should be connected. You can confirm this by clicking the carrot toward the right of the task bar and hovering over the AnyConnect icon.