NOTE: If "Purdue Office 365 Email" is not a choice you must first activate your Office 365 account. Please follow these steps to activate your Office 365 account How do I activate or coordinate my Purdue Office 365 account?
The options for your Purdue email are
- Choose Purdue Office 365 email.
- (NOT Recommended) Forward your email to an address you specify. This option allows you to use an unsupported mail service, like Gmail, for your convenience.
- (NOT Recommended) Disable Purdue email service ( will not receive email). This option is also known as 'setting your email to reject'.
The Purdue email service options determine where your email is delivered.
Modifying your Email service
- To change your email service, please go to
- Log in with your Purdue career account username and Password
- Click the button next to the Purdue Office 365 Email. Options are shown in the image below and explained in the next section.

- Click the 'Save Changes' button. Please note that this change may take 15 minutes to complete.
- Click 'Log out'.
- If your service is set to Office 365 email, you can check your email by going to
- Login with your @Purdue email address and password.