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Using Remote Desktop - Windows 10

In order to remote into your office computer you have to know the name of the computer.  This is easily found on your office computer itself by right clicking on the start menu and selecting system.

The name of the computer will be in the middle of the screen listed as device name:


Once you have your computer name you can setup a remote connection by launching Remote Desktop Connection on the remote computer. and putting in the name of your office computer you are trying to connect to.

Then click on the down arrow beside Show Options:

Next, clisk on the Advanced tab, then the Settings Button:

Select "Use these RD Gateway server settings" and then type in:


Select the checkbox that states "Use my RD Gateway credentials for the remote computer", then select OK

Select the General Tab, then Save AS.  Now choose a location and a name to save the file that you will remember.

Now you can click on connect to connect up to your office computer.  You will need to put in your username as "Krannert\USERNAME" to connect.

Next time you want to connect you can just double click on the file you saved and put in your password.