Please note that in all instances of configuring your Office 365 Email regardless of client you will use your whole email address as your username.
Delete Existing Purdue Exchange Email
Configure Office 365 Email on iPhone or iPad
Configure Email on Android - Please note that these instructions may differ depending on the manufacturer
Outlook Web Access - replaces
Everyone in Krannert will receive an email from ITaP similar to this:
Information Technology at Purdue |
On Dec. 19, 2018, you received an email notifying you that your email account will move from a server on campus to Purdue’s version of the Microsoft’s Exchange cloud service. For you and others in your department, this change will occur starting Monday, March 25. |
On your Krannert desktop/laptop -
If everything goes correctly, you will receive a login prompt when you open Outlook. You will need to sign in using your official Purdue email address, which is usually and your normal career account password (not BoilerKey).
On your phone/tablet -
If everything goes correctly, your device will no longer be able to connect to Exchange. Every device works a little differently, particularly in the Android world, but the simplest way to proceed is to delete the Exchange connection on your phone, then set it up fresh. Instructions are at the top of the page.
If you are more technically proficient, you may be able to just change the server ( and your email address ( to re-establish your connection.
Exchange migrations are complicated, period. There are all kinds of things that can get in the way of your ability to reconnect with your email. Some of those issues are predictable and have already been mitigated, others cannot be predicted. The KCC is here to help; we will get through it together. While the KCC has absolutely no control over the details and timing of the migrations, we have worked with ITaP to minimize predictable disruptions.
That said, the Help Desk in Krannert 727 will be open, and we will be setting up a table in the Rawls 3rd floor commons to help users in need. The Rawls table is tentatively scheduled be available from 12pm-5-pm on the 25th and 8am-12pm on the 26th, after migrations have started. Migrations are set to start completing March 25th around noon. Smaller mailboxes will finish first followed by the larger ones.